authors and facebook

Posted by Monique on 1:15 AM in , ,
One of my favorite authors is Amy Tan.

I enjoy her books for many reasons, one of which is her raw, honest emotion. She writes with such conviction. When you read her stories, you are left with an abudance of emotions. Sometimes you want to laugh and sometimes you want to cry. Either way she has you wanting more.

I decided to some research on my favorite author. And as most do, I started with Google. When I googled her I came across her website I instanly loved her more. She was raw, she was open, she Amy Tan. I wanted so much to talk to converse with her, to communicate with her in some way. I wanted to let her know how she has influenced me as writer.

Since I don't have her phone number, the next best way to contact someone is through Facebook. And so that is where is went.

I had expected to find the same raw, openess I had found on her website; however I was quite disappointed that it was not so. Her Facebook page seems to be run by someone other than herself. Her page simply tells the facts about her--plain and simple. There is no way to leave her a message, in hopes that she might respond. Or atleast a way to express some gratitude for the writings she has so graciously shared with us.

I think it is important for authors to make themselves available to the their audience. Whether it be through lectures or something as simple as Facebook.

I think Facebook is a great tool that is not used to it's full potential. Authors can use Facebook to communicate with their readers via wall posts about any upcoming books or book signings. Readers can post their thoughts of thanks to the author and perhaps even get a answer to questions asked. Maybe that's too much to ask, I don't know.

All I know is this. If I ever make it "big" I am going to do my best to be available to my readers, whether it be through Facebook or some other means.


what makes one a writer?

Posted by Monique on 10:57 PM in
I have often wondered what exactly makes someone a writer. I mean what gives you the someone the right to call themselves a writer.

Must you have a short story published in order to call yourself a writer?

Or perhaps you must have some sort of writing degree to call yourself a writer.

Perhaps you can call yourself a writer if you have written your the rough draft for your first novel.

I used to believe that if you accomplished any one of these things then you had every right to call yourself a writer. Thus, since I have not accomplished any one of these things I never felt I had the right to the call myself a writer. But all that has changed. I believe that if you can write a good piece that makes sense and that people can appreciate, then by all means, call yourself a writer.

And so, hello there. My name is Monique and I am writer.

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